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June 24 to June 30,2021

Financial report for June 24 to June 30, 2021

We would like to thank once more our very generous donors who gave their support for Magic hospitalization and 3 other rescues hospitalizations as well.
Our special thanks to Mr. Ronald Magbanua of Mix n' Magic , who took an extra mile of visiting Magic at the vet clinic Pet Choice. Thanks too to Drs Vina and and Ken for treating our admitted rescues, and for big discounts. Special thanks too to Paulo Mariano for facilitating a big chunk of our fundraising for Magic hospitalization. And of course, to all our donors who supported Magic and donors who keep our daily shelter operation possible. Profound thanks from our rescues too.
Donors whose names excluded unintentionally from this report, please send us words with your receipt.
Thank you so much. All for the good of our rescues and strays.

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